Alan James Brierley still trolling, still harassing, still fucking with people, still butt fucking ugly as all hell and a self-admitted "perv", as in "pervert", I suppose?
(too old to reply)
2009-08-14 04:38:30 UTC
that is so hilariously awesome
If it is him. If not, some other dude will be wearing the wrath of
At one time Emo thought I was some dude in the UK calling himself
Yes, his nym was similar to one of.... how many have you used now
Patrick Michael Sullivan? Hundreds? Thousands? Give us all a rough
estimate, won't you?
Thousands, you say?
So simple a thing, but you just *have* to distort the truth, don't you?
So which is it? Hundreds? Thousands? How many nyms,
Not thousands and not even hundreds, self-admitted "perv" Alan James
Brierley the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
Had you stuck to a single nym, you might have a point. But alas....
Before that he thought I was some chick named "Bonnie".
"Bonnie", who at various times you have claimed is both a man *and* a
Seems there is something fishy about your claims concerning "Bonnie".
Care to elucidate? And what about all that stuff "Bonnie" wrote about
you searching the gay bars and docks for random butt sex?
I have never done anything like that in my life
Where would your "good friend" "Bonnie" get such an idea that you had
done something like that?
Because she was pissed off a looking for a good fight, self-admitted "perv"
Alan James Brierley the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
She apologized to me after that, privately and over the phone.
So his
info re. Mitch Leary could be wrong.
Except.... it's not *my* info, is it spankyboy? But yes, it could be
Or the dude posting on ASH right now
named "Mitch Leary" could be using that name to mess with someone in
life who never posted here and whose name is really Mitch Leary.
Your intimate knowledge of how to fuck with people over the internet
duly noted.
LOL! So says the asshole calling himself "Emo Haircut" who socked up to
impersonate a famous movie and TV star named TED DANSON. [1]
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/alt.nuke.the.usa/msg/92b3cd90bcaddb13
<Emo looks at the above link. Realizes he did do this. Feels like a
How long have I used *one* nym, and *only one nym* , in ASH?
You seem to change them about every 6 to 8 months, it appears.
Four years? More?
LOL! Not!
When you have to lie and/distort the truth to make your point, you don't
really have a point at all, do you?
You are a fucking moron is all you are, self-admitted "perv" Alan James
Brierley the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.

I think I'm-a-gonna takid you outtah duh killfile and play with you for a
week or so, just like you've been playing with me, self-admitted "perv" Alan
James Brierley the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
2009-08-14 05:24:07 UTC
So which is it? Hundreds? Thousands? How many nyms,
Not thousands and not even hundreds, self-admitted "perv" ***************
the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
Who could know? I seen easily over a hundred.

+++ No you have not. What you have seen is lies and defamation that you have
reposted, oh BDSM one.

Who knows how many
more are out there?

+++ I am sure your friends will locate them and post them, even if they
don't belong to me, and you will believe it to be the facts.
Had you stuck to a single nym, you might have a point. But alas....
Before that he thought I was some chick named "Bonnie".
"Bonnie", who at various times you have claimed is both a man *and* a
Seems there is something fishy about your claims concerning "Bonnie".
Care to elucidate? And what about all that stuff "Bonnie" wrote about
you searching the gay bars and docks for random butt sex?
I have never done anything like that in my life
Where would your "good friend" "Bonnie" get such an idea that you had
done something like that?
Because she was pissed off a looking for a good fight, self-admitted "perv"
******************** the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
She apologized to me after that, privately and over the phone.
Right....I doubt he did.

+++ You left emo's name in the subject line - doh!
So his
info re. Mitch Leary could be wrong.
Except.... it's not *my* info, is it spankyboy? But yes, it could be
Or the dude posting on ASH right now
named "Mitch Leary" could be using that name to mess with someone in
life who never posted here and whose name is really Mitch Leary.
Your intimate knowledge of how to fuck with people over the internet
duly noted.
LOL! So says the asshole calling himself "Emo Haircut" who socked up to
impersonate a famous movie and TV star named TED DANSON. [1]
<Emo looks at the above link. Realizes he did do this. Feels like a
How long have I used *one* nym, and *only one nym* , in ASH?
You seem to change them about every 6 to 8 months, it appears.
No, he doesn't.

+++ Ask your bitch buddy to give you a list of his nicks and addys.

You're so full of shit.

+++ You are the human toilet.

What do you change yours?
6-8 times a week

+++ I change it when I feel like. I don't keep track. That is for my
obsessed stalkers to *try* to do correctly, but they never get it right, ms.
"LOOKING FOR A NEW FOOL" and anonymous remailer abuser.
Four years? More?
LOL! Not!
When you have to lie and/distort the truth to make your point, you don't
really have a point at all, do you?
Good point, Emo!

+++ Don't you mean "TED DANSON"?
You are a fucking moron is all you are, self-admitted "perv" ********
the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
I'd say he's a bit smarter than you.

+++ I'd say he's as stoopid as you are.
I think I'm-a-gonna takid you outtah duh killfile and play with you for a
week or so, just like you've been playing with me, self-admitted "perv"
the electronics technician now living in Montana USA.
Ain't nobody been playing with you.

+++ Douche bag emo has been ducking with me for a while, now, +posting his
shit to AUK. Time to take the emo bitch out of the KF and have me way with
the little skank, you think?

You've just been looking for an
excuse to stir up trouble.

+++ Emo has, and so have you been, tub o'.

"I hate ASH, I wanna leave ASH, It's a cesspool, If everyone would
just stop talking about me, waaaaaaaaaahhhhh............"

+++ Well, don't let the door hit your super sized ass on the way out.